Advances in 3D X-ray microscopy and applications in the characterization of porous materials John Flynn, Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy, Inc. jeudi 14 septembre, de 9h45 à 11h15, salle de conférences de l’IEM
Conférence : Trisha DUPNOCK – 18/7/2017
Trisha DUPNOCK PIRE PhD student Duke University in Dr. Marc Deshusses Group High performance biomethanation of CO2 to CH4 using a biotrickling filter and Hydrogenotrophic methanogens Summary: This research reports the novel development of a biotrickling filter (BTF)
Conférence : Prof. HOU – 10/7/2017
Jun-Li HOU University of Fudan – China Synthetic tubular molecules mimicking the function of channel proteins
Conférence : Prof. KATZ – 29/6/2017
Evgeny KATZ Clarkson University – USA Bioelectronics and Bionanotechnology – From Fundamental Science to Practical Applications Nouveaux locaux ENSCM : Amphi Mousseron 240 avenue Professeur Emile Jeanbrau – Montpellier Evgeny Katz received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Frumkin Institute
Axe Eau : conférence Dr. Sergio MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ – 20/6/2017
Dr. Sergio Martinez Hernandez Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada (INBIOTECA) Universidad Veracruzana in Veracruz (Mexico) Biotechnological processes for the removal of pollutants from wastewater and for the production of biofuels: Some contributions of the INBIOTECA