Prof. Ranil Wickramasinghe Distinguished Professor et Directeur du Membrane Science, Engineering and Technology Center University of Arkansas, lundi 1er juillet 2024 à 14h30, salle de conférences IEM Development of Membrane Based Bioseparations for Emerging Purification Challenges Biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes
Conférence de Marie-Alix PIZZOCCARO ZILAMY – 19/6/2024
Marie-Alix Pizzoccaro-Zilamy Université de Twente et Forschungszentrum Jülich Development of Hybrid Ceramic Membranes for challenging separation applications Marie-Alix’s bio and her conference abstract
Conférence de Christine SELHUBER-UNKEL – 17/6/2024
Christine Selhuber-Unkel professeure à l’Université de Heidelberg co-directrice de l’INSTITUTE FOR MOLECULAR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ADVANCED MATERIALS lundi 17/06 à 10h en salle de conférences de l’IEM Dynamic living materials
Conférence de Patrick FORTIN – 24/5/2024
Patrick FORTIN chercheur scientifique au SINTEF, Norvège Next-Generation Membranes for Green Hydrogen Production Green hydrogen is routinely cited as a major pillar of the clean energy transition by the European Commission and research efforts are well underway to develop innovative
Conférence de Damia MAWAD – 11/3/2024
Lundi 11 Mars 2024 à 14h30 Damia MAWAD School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia Conjugated Polymers: from Synthesis to Bioelectronic Applications Abstract Conjugated polymers are synthetic macromolecules that have demonstrated a