
The cluster “Membranes and Bio-inspired Surfaces” is composed by 3 permanent scientists : Dr. Sébastien Balme (assistant professor, UM2), Dr. Jean-Marc Janot (researcher, CNRS), Dr. and Dr. Thierry Thami (researcher, CNRS). It groups skills in chemical synthesis, physical chemistry and biophysics together. The research activities of the cluster are primarily based on themes integrated into the “health topic” of the IEM.


The current topics are split in 3 main axes

• (Bio)macromolecules at solid/liquid interfaces and confinement
• Transport under confinement and nanofluidic
• Bio-inspired and biomimetic materials and nanopores



Congratulation, at Mathilde Lepoitevin for the best PhD Balard award.
Our work about light responsive nanopore is accepted for publication in advanced material interfaces
Amidiag project is granted by chemisyst labex. The goal is to develop nanopore for in-situ analysis of amyloid growing

Tel : +33 (0)4 6714 9100 / Fax : +33 (0)4 6714 9119 -- SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES PARTNAIRS
Institut Européen des Membranes
300 avenue du Prof. Emile Jeanbrau
34090 Montpellier
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Université de Montpellier - CC047
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier cedex 5
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