Membrane science applied to the environment
Membranes for purification and potabilization of water
SIMEV has been created in 2004 as part of a partnership between UNESCO and the Chemistry School of Engineering of Montpellier (France). The chair is part of the UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program and is pooling its resources with EMH regarding expertise.
SIMEV’s missions:
• Training – initial and continuing education of scientists and stakeholders (through Thematic Schools)
• Research – Masters and PhD practical work
• Development – in partnership with institutions and industrialists
SIMEV generate opportunities for the creation of serious, tangible and practical projects in developing countries, through the involvement of stakeholders from developed countries. These projects respond to immediate and practical needs thanks to membrane technologies, such as:
• providing an access to clean, pathogen-free and affordable water for local populations ;
• preserving the water resource, in order to allow a long-term sustainable development of local agriculture and food supply ;
• using cheap and renewable energies. As much as possible, these energies have to be available locally.
A global network of partners:
SIMEV can rely on the support of its mother institutions, of the European Membranes Institute (hosting it), and also of its partners’ network which includes 15 Universities / Research Centers in Central Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia, with 2 private companies (Firmus France and ACLAIRA). The Chair has been able to collaborate with various foundations. Other partners can be involved case by case depending on the targeted operation.
The Chair is welcoming the good will of all concerned!
For more information: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/chaire-unesco-simev
SIMEV chairman: Prof. Philippe MIELE