defended his PhD thesis
on 14 december 2023

Conception de membranes de nanofiltration anti -bio encrassement pour la délivrance de médicaments appliquées à la maladie d ’Alzheimer

In front of the jury composed of:

– Mme. Alice MIJA, Professeur à l’université Côte d’Azur institut de chimie de Nice – Rapporteur
– Mme. Niculina HADADE, Maitre de conférences à l’université de Cluj-Napoca (Romanie) – Rapporteur
– M. Patrick LOULERGUE, Maitre de conférences à l’université de Rennes – Examinateur
– M. Suming Li, Directeur de recherche CNRS à l’institut Européen des membranes – Examinateur
– M. Mihail BARBOIU, Directeur de recherche CNRS à l’institut Européen des membranes – Directeur de thèse
– Mme. Sophie CERNEAUX, Maitre de conférences à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie – Co-Directeur de thèse

This thesis explores an innovative drug delivery approach for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The method involves administering drugs directly into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), thus bypassing the major biological challenges encountered in Alzheimer’s disease treatment. In the development of this new type of intrathecal medical device, it involves the filtration of CSF through nanofiltration membranes. The objective is to develop polymeric membranes to reduce the concentration of toxic β-amyloid in Alzheimer’s disease, opening new diagnostic and therapeutic perspectives. In the field of filtration, clogging phenomena are inevitable, especially in environments rich in microorganisms such as biological settings. Membranes modified with hybrid and dynamic polymers, such as PEG and zwitterionic molecules, particularly sulfobetaines, demonstrate significant anti-fouling performances. These modified surfaces, obtained through interfacial polymerization on different polymeric or alumina membrane supports, show promising resistance performances against biological fouling, notably for zwitterionic polyamide membranes filtered with a BSA solution. In conclusion, this thesis represents a significant advancement in filtration technology. Membranes modified with hybrid polyamides, especially sulfobetaines, exhibit anti-bio- fouling properties. Future perspectives include compound optimization, the study of antibacterial properties, and in vivo trials with murine models of Alzheimer’s disease. These works offer innovative solutions for various applications, from water purification to medical biotechnology.

PhD defense: Maxime LECLERE – 14/12/2023
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