Séminaire de Emanuel IONESCU
Vendredi 20 Décembre 2024 à 10h
Sustainability & Circular Economy – Research Activities at Fraunhofer IWKS
Emanuel IonescuFraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategy IWKS emanuel.ionescu@iwks.fraunhofer.de
Sustainable design and the circular economy work together towards reducing waste by creating products that are durable, reusable, and easily recyclable. By using tools of design for longevity, repairability, and modularity, products can be kept in use longer, minimizing the
need for disposal and reducing the demand for new resources. The circular economy encourages the reuse of materials in a continuous cycle, ensuring that nothing is wasted and that valuable resources are conserved. Through innovations in material science, waste can be
turned into a resource, allowing a closed-loop system where the concept of « waste » is eliminated. Ultimately, combining sustainable design principles with circular economy practices may allow coming closer to achieving the goal of a zero-waste world.
The Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategy IWKS focuses on developing innovative solutions for efficient resource management and recycling technologies. It aims to support the transition towards a circular economy by improving the reuse, recycling, and recovery of valuable materials from various waste streams. Fraunhofer IWKS conducts interdisciplinary research on topics such as sustainable material design, process optimization, and the development of new recycling methods. Upon collaboration with
industry, academia, and government, Fraunhofer IWKS helps create strategies to minimize environmental impact and ensure the sustainable use of resources and thus plays a crucial role in advancing technologies that contribute to a resource-efficient and environmentally responsible future.
In the present talk, recent activities at Fraunhofer IWKS related to circular economy concepts in the fields of plastic waste, end-of-life batteries and permanent magnets as well as biogenic waste will be introduced and critically discussed.
En savoir plus sur Emanuel IONESCU