Samuel SNOW présentera ses activités de recherche et notamment celles qui ont pour objet les Interactions entre Matière Organique Dissoute et Colloidale et des procédés photocatalytiques de désinfection (pathogènes : virus et bactéries) applicables aux eaux résiduaires urbaines.
Research Interests:
The overarching theme of Dr. Snow’s research group could be labeled as, ‘photochemistry in environmental systems’. One of the group’s aims is to approach the practical challenge of developing low-cost, sustainable, and robust water treatment systems by investigating the underlying science of the technologies. Another topic of interest is the examination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, which are toxic, petroleum related compounds) in salt marsh ecosystems; specifically, what role do photochemical reactions play in the transformation of PAHs found in salt marsh ecosystems.
There are several ‘key words’ and phrases that may provide a better description of the group’s current research activities, interests, and expertise: photochemistry, photocatalysis, photosensitization, radical quantification and quenching, disinfection technologies for membrane bioreactor effluents, adsorption processes, colloidal and natural organic matter interactions, and PAH photodegradation.